UNIFEED: Human Milk Profile and Infant Feeding Device
Emily Ruz - Biomedical Engineering Department, SJSU
Nicolle Via - Biomedical Engineering Department, SJSU
Dr. Yun Wang
Technical Advisor:
The human milk profile is a dynamic composition of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals, crucial for infant growth. The evolving nature of this composition emphasizes the need for real-time detection methods integrated into infant feeding devices. This research addresses the challenges posed by the increasing demand for human breast milk, especially in critical care settings like Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs). By collaborating with Dr. Lin Jiang's Mechanical Engineering team, the UNIFEED project aims to enhance nutritional delivery to infants in NICUs.
The research objectives focus on conducting a literature review on human milk composition, exploring biosensors for milk analysis, developing a real-time detection method, and evaluating the UNIFEED device. Expected outcomes include a comprehensive understanding of human milk composition and the effectiveness of biosensors, leading to advancements in infant nutrition. Potential challenges in data analysis are addressed through alternative approaches, ensuring the project's robustness. Evaluation of the UNIFEED ultrasonic driver aims to optimize homogenization for human milk samples, while assessing biosensor performance within the UNIFEED system completes the research.
The significance of the project lies in meeting the growing demand for infant nutrition, optimizing infant health through tailored nutrition, and introducing technological advancements in monitoring human milk composition. The research's broader impact encompasses reductions in premature infant mortality, insights into infant device systems, and positive outcomes reinforced by adaptive strategies for ongoing research and development. Overall, the project stands at the forefront of advancing infant care on a global scale.